SweCog 2024 in Stockholm

The 19th conference of the Swedish Cognitive Science Society will be held in Stockholm. The conference is free of charge and will take place between Thursday October 10th and Friday October 11th.

A big thank you to everyone who attended the SweCog2024 conference! As organizers we are very happy that so many took the time to attend and contribute to the conference. You can now download the SweCog 2024 Proceedings comprising both abstracts and short papers for all presentations at the conference!
We gratulate Georgina W Chu who receive the SweCog2024 best poster presentation award for her poster titeled Sex Differences in Dopamine D1 Receptor Availability and Episodic Memory in Adults over 40: a Longitudinal Imaging Study!

Invited Speakers

Christian Doeller, Professor, Max Planck Institute

Structuring experience in cognitive spaces

John Axelsson, Professor, Stockholm University and Karolinska Institute

What does sleep do for brain and cognition?

Åsa Wikforss, Professor, Stockholm University

Cognition and the social dimensions of knowledge

Panel discussion on cognition and climate
How can cognitive science help solve the climate crisis?

  • Åsa Wikforss (knowledge resistance and misinformation). Professor of Philosophy at Stockholm university.
  • Maria Ojala (climate anxiety among youth and education). Professor in Socio-ecological Resilience, FRONT, University of Oulu, Finland and Associate professor (docent) in psychology, Örebro University.
  • Ben Kenward (climate activism). Associate Professor in Psychology at School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences, Uppsala university.
  • Daniel Västfjäll (behavioral change). Professor in Psychology at the Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Linköping university.

The panel discussion will be led by Jonas Mattson, editor-in-chief of Forskning och Framsteg.

Important dates

2024-06-20 Submission deadline for abstracts and short papers
2024-08-30 Response from reviewers
2024-09-25 Submission deadline for revised camera-ready abstracts and short papers
2024-09-25 Deadline for registration
2024-10-10 Conference starts


Call for Participation

SweCog invites both oral and poster presentations, covering all areas of cognitive science. We welcome presentations of on-going work as well as recently finished studies. If you would like to present, please submit a presentation abstract or a short paper, following the specification stated below. Desired presentation form (oral or poster) can be indicated when submitting. Please note that the decision whether to submit abstract or short paper is totally independent of whether you would like to present as oral or poster — you can select to prefer oral or poster presentation, irrespective of whether you have submitted an abstract or short paper. To avoid duplicates, only the presenting author submits the contribution. For joint presentations or other specific requests, please contact organizers over email.

Abstract submission

Submitted abstracts should be up to 200 words as plain text. All accepted abstracts are included in the SweCog conference proceedings, which are published online.

Short paper submission

Submitted short paper manuscripts may comprise up to 1200 words, excluding title and references. Manuscripts are submitted as text through the conference management system and should follow the guidelines of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition (APA 7) wherever applicable. Note that you can submit ONE figure/table/image per short paper. If you have more than one figure/table please combine these into one image with several panels before uploading. Each figure panel should be labeled with A, B, etc, and they should be referenced in the text as (Figure 1A), (Figure 1D), etc. The explanatory figure text should be part of the image, and placed above the graphic elements as per APA 7.  Please use the separate field below the text to choose and upload the image. The figure must be JPEG or PNG format.

Submitted short papers will be reviewed by two external reviewers, focusing on providing constructive feedback to the author. Accepted contributions will be included in the SweCog conference proceedings. The review process is by default fully open, revealing both authors and reviewers names. Reviewers can however request to be anonymous. Authors of accepted contributions will also be asked to revise their short papers based on the review before submitting the final, camera ready, version.


Oral presentation
Participants accepted for oral presentation are asked to prepare a 15 minute presentation, preferably using PowerPoint or similar visual support. An additional 5 minutes is reserved for questions. If the number of submitted oral presentations exceeds the number of slots, priority will be given to short papers, while considering scientific quality, topical spread, and speaker diversity.

Poster presentation
Participants accepted for poster presentation are asked to prepare a poster that you print and bring to the conference. Please prepare and print your poster in A0 portrait format. Poster boards of size 130 cm wide x 160 cm high will be made available during each poster session.


Submission of abstracts and short papers is now closed.


Please note that the pre-registration for SweCog 2024 has passed. However, we will have room for late registrations. If you would like to attend, please email swecog2024@gmail.com and let us know that you would like to attend the conference. Please also provide the following information in the email:

Email address:
Academic/work affiliation:
Would you like to attend the Social Robotics workshop? There are a few spots left and we will inform you about who will receive those spots.

Please note that we cannot guarantee service of coffee and lunch (Friday) to those who registered after the deadline on Sep 25, as our food and beverage service is planned ahead of time.

Conference Programme

Individual presentation times for both oral and poster presentations are found in the detailed program!


SweCog 2024 offer three pre-conference workshops hosted in parallell on Thursday, October 10'th, 9.00 to 12.00.

Cognitive Psychology

The Cognitive Psychology workshop comprises a site visit to the perception and sleep laboratories at the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, including a group mentoring session focusing on the pursuit of a career in cognitive psychology research. Workshop responsible: Maria Larsson, Mats Nilsson, Laura Ferrer-Wreder and William Fredborg. The workshop is held at Albano, house 4, level 3, and the details can be found here.

Brain Imaging and Linguistics

The Brain Imaging and Linguistics workshop comprises a site visit to the Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre (SUBIC), Stockholm University as well as a seminar on large language models and some examples of their applicability in the cognitive sciences. Workshop responsible: Murathan Kurfalı, Rita Almeida, Samet Albayrak,  and Thomas Hörberg. The workshop is held at SUBIC and the details can be found here.

Social Robotics

The Social Robotics workshop will be held at Conference room Mimer at Aula Magna, featuring a research roundtable on the topic of Critical perspectives on robotics research as well as a group an introduction the graduate school of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program - Humanity and Society (WASP-HS) graduate school. Workshop responsible: Valentina Fantasia (Lund University), Ericka Johnson (Linköping University), and Mary Robson (Durham University). Workshop details can be found here.

Thursday October 10th

09:00 — 12:00 Pre-conference workshops, site-visits, and social sessions
12:00 — 12:50 Conference Registration
12:50 — 13:00 Conference opening
13:00 — 13:50 Invited speaker: John AxelssonWhat does sleep do for brain and cognition?
13:50 — 15:15 Oral presentations (session 1)
15:15 Coffee Break
15:45 — 16:50 Oral presentations (session 2)
16:50 — 17:30 Poster session 1

Friday October 11th

09:00 — 09:50 Invited speaker: Åsa Wikforss:Cognition and the social dimensions of knowledge
09:50 Coffee Break
10:10 — 11:50 Oral presentations (session 3)
11:50 Lunch
13:00 — 14:00 Oral presentations (session 4)
14:00 — 15:00 Invited speaker: Christian Doeller:Structuring experiences in cognitive spaces
15:00 Coffee Break
15:20 — 16:00 Poster session 2
16:00 — 16:40 Panel discussion
16:40 — 16:50 Closing


The conference takes place at Aula Magna, Stockholm University.


Jonas Olofsson (Chair), Dept. of Psychology, Stockholm University


Head organizer: Jonas Olofsson.

Questions on proceedings and submissions are sent to info@swecog.se.