Swedish Cognitive Science Society | SweCog

SweCog 2021

The 16th conference of the Swedish Cognitive Science Society will be held online from Skövde. As a result of the ongoing pandemic, this years conference will be fully virtual. SweCog 2021 takes place between Wednesday November 10th and Friday November 12th. The main program will cover afternoons only, approximately from 13.00 to 17.30.

Download the SweCog 2021 Proceedings!

The conference program is now available, please see below!

The conference will take place over Zoom and SpatialChat, detailed information will be provided via email to all registered participants shortly before the conference.

Invited Speakers

We are happy to announce the following invited speakers:

Body Representation in Virtual Reality

Prof. Mel Slater, Distinguished Investigator at the University of Barcelona.

How the brain represents the body is a fundamental question in cognitive neuroscience. Experimental studies are difficult because the body is always there (William James). In recent years immersive virtual reality techniques have been introduced that deliver apparent changes to the body extending earlier techniques such as the rubber hand illusion, or substituting the whole body by a virtual one visually collocated with the real body, and seen from a normal first person perspective. This talk will introduce these techniques, and concentrate on how changing the body can change the mind and behaviour, especially in the context of combatting aggression based on gender or race.

Is this User Experience Design?

Prof. Virpi Roto, Aalto University

Human-Computer Interaction, the home field of user experience research, has evolved over 40 years from cognitive aspects to usability, to user experience, and lately to wellbeing. Today, good user experience is a top priority in companies developing digital services for consumers, but the interpretation of what user experience design means remains limited. This is the case especially in work contexts where good user experience is often interpreted in simplistic way as ease and efficiency of use. In this talk, I will dig into the concept of user experience, the status of user experience research in work context, and report examples of our experience design research at work. Finally, I look at the future and how work automation changes Human-Computer Interaction research. With intelligent systems, we are facing a major challenge of redefining the design goals for interaction on many levels, from cognitive to affective experience.

Introducing learning science to teacher students (at Swedish universities)

Prof. Agneta Gulz, Lund University and Linköping University

In the presentation I will go through the topics from my two introductory lectures on “learning science” for teacher students. The lectures, targeting students at the end of their first year, have so far only been given one time; thus there is much leeway to modify and change them. I look forward to ideas and comments from the audience, not least those who have experiences from teacher education.

Call for Participation

SweCog invites both full oral presentations and short poster talks. We invite submissions covering all areas of cognitive science. If you would like to present, please submit a presentation abstract or a short paper, following the specification stated below. Desired presentation form (oral or poster talk) can be indicated when submitting.

The past year has been exceptional to say the least. For many of us doing research within the cognitive sciences, the ongoing pandemic has offered significant challenges — but also new possibilities. Empirical work has for obvious reasons been difficult, especially when human participants are involved. As a way to acknowledge this, we would like to encourage theoretical contributions as well as contributions covering planned or on-going research studies.

The second day of the conference, November 11, will comprise a special session on Cognition and UX, acknowledging the World Usability Day where this year's theme is Trust, Ethics and Integrity. We therefore specifically welcome contributions on that theme.

If the number of submitted oral presentations exceed the number of slots, priority will be given based on scientific quality as well as geographical and topical spread.

Abstract submission

For both full presentation and short poster talks, an abstract of up to 200 words should be submitted as plain text along with the conference registration. All accepted abstracts are included in the conference proceedings, which are published online.

Short paper submission

In addition to your abstract, you may submit a short paper developing its content. Submitted manuscripts will undergo single blinded review primarily focused on providing constructive feedback to the author. Accepted contributions will be included in the SweCog 2021 conference proceedings.

Short paper submissions should be written using our provided formatting template, covering 1 to 3 pages including images and references. Manuscripts are submitted in PDF format.


Oral presentation

Participants accepted for oral presentation are asked to prepare a 15 minute presentation, preferably using PowerPoint or similar visual support. An additional 5 minutes is reserved for questions. Presentations will be given over Zoom. Detailed instructions for where to connect, test your video and audio setup, etc. will be previded shortly before the start of the conferencfe.

Poster presentation

Participants accepted for poster presentation are asked to prepare a short teaser talk as well as a poster as a PDF-file. Make sure that the poster is readable when displayed in full size on a normal computer screen. We recommend a poster in landscape format. If you design it as a landscape A4 or as a standard PPT slide, we recommend using a 12 pt font, at the minimum. Note that posters in larger print-size are scaled, meaning that the minimum recommended font for a landscape A3 is 17.5 pt and landscape A0 is 52 pt.

Teaser talks are given over Zoom, limited to 2 minutes, and serve to invite participants to the main poster session. Posters are submitted via email (poster@swecog.se) no later than the deadline (see important dates). Posters will be displayed by the chair during the poster talks. The poster sessions will be conducted in SpatialChat where all posters will be available during the whole conference. Detailed instructions come closer to the conference.

Registration and submission

Registration for SweCog 2021 is free of charge. Both abstracts and short papers are submitted through this webpage, along with your registrations. Submissions may also be updated later by logging in to your SweCog member's page.

Registration opens Apr 1, 2030.

Important dates

2021-09-15 Submission deadline for abstracts and short papers
2021-10-06 Response from reviewers
2021-10-28 Submission deadline for revised camera-ready abstracts and short papers
2021-11-08, 12.00 Submission deadline for posters, send to poster@swecog.se
2021-11-08 Deadline for registration
2021-11-10 Conference starts

Conference Programme

Wednesday November 10thth

13.00 — 13:05 Welcome!
13:05 — 14:05 Invited speaker: Prof. Mel Slater, University of Barcelona
Body Representation in Virtual Reality
14:05 Break
14:20 — 15:20 Oral presentations
15:20 Break
15:30 — 16:10 Oral presentations
16:10 — 16:30 Poster talks
16:30 — 17.30 Poster session
17:30 End of first day

Thursday November 11th

13.00 — 13:05 Welcome back!
13:05 — 13:25 Intro to Cognition and UX
13:25 — 14:05 Special session: Cognition and UX
14:05 Break
14:20 — 15:20 Invited speaker: Prof. Virpi Roto, Aalto University
Is this User Experience Design?
15:20 Break
15:30 — 16:10 Oral presentations
16:10 — 16:30 Poster talks
16:30 — 17.30 Poster session
17:30 End of second day

Friday November 12th

13.00 — 13:05 Welcome back again!
13:05 — 14:05 Invited speaker: Prof. Agneta Gulz, Lund University and Linköping University
Introducing learning science to teacher students (at Swedish universities)
14:05 Break
14:20 — 15:20 Oral presentations
15:20 — 15:30 Final remarks
15:30 End of conference


SweCog 2021 is organized by Interaction Lab and Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy, both at the University of Skövde.

Organizing Committee

Beatrice Alenljung, Interaction Lab, University of Skövde
Björn Berg Marklund, Interaction Lab, University of Skövde
Erik Billing (Chair), Interaction Lab, University of Skövde
Andreas Kalckert, Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Skövde
Erik Lagerstedt, Interaction Lab, University of Skövde
Maurice Lamb, Interaction Lab, University of Skövde
Vipul Nair, Interaction Lab, University of Skövde
Kajsa Nalin, Interaction Lab, University of Skövde
Joel Parthemore, Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Skövde
Jana Rambusch, Interaction Lab, University of Skövde
Julia Rosén, Interaction Lab, University of Skövde
Katja Valli, Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Skövde


Head organizer: Erik Billing, University of Skövde.

Main SweCog contact: info@swecog.se.