Swedish Cognitive Science Society | SweCog

SweCog 2022 in Örebro

The 17th SweCog conference of the Swedish Cognitive Science Society will be held in Örebro. The conference is free for all members and will take place between Thursday June 16th and Friday June 17th.

SweCog 2022 is held jointly with 8th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition (AIC) and some sessions will be shared between the two conferences. The SweCog conference still welcome contributions within the broad spectrum of cognitive science, not necessarily liked to AI.

Download the SweCog 2022 Proceedings!

The conference program is now available, please see below!

Invited Speakers

We are happy to welcome Prof. Ute Schmid, University of Bamberg, and Prof. C.J. (Kees) van Deemter, Utrecht University as invited speakers, jointly with the AIC conference! For more details, please visit the AIC website.

Call for Participation

SweCog invites both oral and poster presentations, covering all areas of cognitive science. We welcome presentations of on-going work as well as recently finished studies. If you would like to present, please submit a presentation abstract or a short paper, following the specification stated below. Desired presentation form (oral or poster) can be indicated when submitting.

Abstract submission

Submitted abstracts should be up to 200 words as plain text along with the conference registration. All accepted abstracts are included in the SweCog conference proceedings, which are published online.

Short paper submission

Submitted short paper manuscripts should be written using the provided formatting template, covering 1 to 3 pages including images and references. Manuscripts are submitted in PDF format.

Submitted short papers will undergo single blinded review primarily focused on providing constructive feedback to the author. Accepted contributions will be included in the SweCog conference proceedings.


Oral presentation
Participants accepted for oral presentation are asked to prepare a 15 minute presentation, preferably using PowerPoint or similar visual support. An additional 5 minutes is reserved for questions. If the number of submitted oral presentations exceeds the number of slots, priority will be given to short papers, while considering scientific quality, topical spread, and speaker diversity.

Poster presentation
Participants accepted for poster presentation are asked to prepare a poster that you print and bring to the conference. Details on poster size will be provided closer to the conference.

Registration and submission

Registration for SweCog 2022 is free of charge. Both abstracts and short papers are submitted through this webpage, along with your registrations. Submissions may also be updated later by logging in to your SweCog member's page.

Registration opens Apr 1, 2030.

Conference Programme

Please note that parts of SweCog 2022 will run jointly with the AIC conference, while other parts will not. See the AIC website for further details and a program that covers also Wednesday, June 15th.

Thursday June 16th

08:30 — 09:00 Registration
09:00 — 10:00 Invited speaker: Ute Schmid
Hybrid, Explanatory, Interactive Machine Learning — Towards Trustworthy Human-AI Partnerships
10:00 Break
10:30 — 12:00 Oral presentations (Thursday session 1)
  • Andreas Kalckert: From rubber hands to virtual hands — A critical examination of the processes underlying bodily illusions
(This session is joint with AIC. Please refer to the AIC program for a full list of speakers.)
12:00 Lunch
13:15 — 14:10 Oral presentations (Thursday session 2)
  • Joel Parthemore: Artefactual ethics as opportunity for rethinking “natural” ethics
(This session is joint with AIC. Please refer to the AIC program for a full list of speakers.)
14:10 — 14:30 Poster elevator pitch
All poster presenters are invited to do an elevator pitch of 2 minutes before the start of the poster session.
14:30 — 16:00 Poster session
16:00 — 17.00 Invited speaker: Kees van Deemter
Explanation and Rationality in Models of Language
17:15 AIC&SweCog Joint Reception with Light Food. At Fikarumet, Teknikhuset

Friday June 17th

09:00 — 10:15 Oral presentations (Friday session 1)
  • Pierre Gander: What kind of memory is memory of fiction?
  • Leonard Ngaosuvan: Cognitive bias in social services CPS case argumentation
  • Linus Holmberg: Sexual Economics in Swedish Dating: Pity Poor Men
10:15 Break
10:45 — 11:50 Oral presentations (Friday session 2)
(This session contains AIC presenters only. Please refer to the AIC program for speakers details.)
11:50 Lunch
13:15 — 14:45 Oral presentations (Friday session 3)
  • Magnus Johnsson: Human-Centered AI for Personalization in Experiential Learning Environments
  • Andreas Falck: Online filters and social trust: why we should still be concerned about Filter Bubbles
  • Amandus Krantz: The Crisis of Trust in AI and Autonomous Systems
  • Raphaël Fargier: The influence of contextual variability on learning novel words: Does the type of variability matter?
14:45 — 15:00 Closing


The conference takes place in Hörsal T, Teknikhuset, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden


Hadi Banaee (Chair), School of Science and Technology, Örebro University
Erik Billing, Interaction Lab, University of Skövde


Head organizer: Hadi Banaee.

Questions on proceedings and submissions are sent to info@swecog.se.